Looking back, I did everything wrong. My friend let me know that I'd need a towel, lots of water, and that nothing was expected of me beyond just staying in the room. He DIDN'T mention the whole "eat only a light meal about 3 hours prior to the class" thing. Maybe he thought it was common sense but I strive to be uncommon in my life so I reject banal things like that. Dude should have told me. So, yeah, I ate a fairly heavy meal about an hour and a half prior to the class because I'm dumb like that. Also, I failed to keep myself properly hydrated throughout the day so I was already in need of some fluids before any of the physical fitness shenanigans began. To top it off, I removed my glasses because I knew they'd just be sliding off my nose the whole time. However, it left me with super fuzzy, unfocused vision which exacerbated the nausea. I was doomed. DOOOOOOOMED.
So less than halfway through, I had me a lil' panic attack and left the room. I tried to just sit down and focus on my breathing but with each breath there was a little voice in my head that went something like, "omg it's so damn hot in here I'm gonna die in this stupid hot room but not before I puke all over myself and omg did I mention it's hot where are the damn windows I'm gonna puke and die!!!!!" Once I got out of the stiflingly hot room, I went and had myself a good shame-filled cry. The instructor came out to make sure that I wasn't actually dead and offered some words of encouragement. It was enough to get my pathetic, pansy-ass back in the room for the floor exercise portion of it. I did NOT make it through all the floor postures but I DID stay in the room after that point, all the while checking with my friend to find out how many more postures we had to do before I could get the hell out of there for good and have my damn popsicle. I liked my popsicle.
Will I be going back? Well, I spent $30 for the Newbie 30-Day Trial Special (not what it's actually called) so I should go back at least one more time to make it worth the money (regular sessions are $15 a pop). But I remember thinking at the time that there was no way in hell I was ever going to do it again. I can kind of liken the experience to childbirth, however, in that the more time that passes, the less you remember of how painful it all was. Hell, I went through THAT twice so why not do the same with Bikram Yoga? Plus, it just feels so good when I stop. Or maybe I'm just happy that I no longer want to barf.
Good job for even trying! Give yourself some cred girl! Now, as I say this in a hushed voice, I had a day like this in physical therapy. I got a woman I'll call the 'drill sergeant' -- up until her I had been cruisin', getting loads of sympathy, ice water, shoulders to cry on -- but this woman had no compassion. She put me through the wringer. I almost cried. I was so close. I felt so sorry for myself. I got panicky. But then I realized she pushed me so much farther than some of the other therapists. And I kind of realized maybe I was stronger than I thought.
I think I did cry later though. :)
Cathy, are you still doing physical therapy? Have you regained all of your movement back? I still can't believe you had a freaking brain tumor. In my mind, you're kind of a super hero.
Christian, I could tell that you had some resentment toward Bikram Yoga from your comment on my FB post about it. =P Believe me, I was thinking "Fuck this shit" for pretty much the entire class. Now I'm just mad that it owned me and I want a rematch.
Where bikram is concerned...no one wins.
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